The Belgian liberal trade union in the 1930s in photography
21 mai 2021

The 1930s were a crucial time for the liberal trade union in Belgium. The local autonomous initiatives that had been developing in different cities since the 1890s were finally unified in a central organisation – first named the NCLVB (Nationale Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden van België), then since 1937 the ACLVB (Algemene Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden van België). Members increased from 25,000 in 1930 to 70,000 in 1937. There were some 800 sections in over 1,700 different municipalities in 1937.

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Heynssens Sarah et WILLEMS Bart, pointeur de recherche marine marchande belge (1830-1980), Set de recherche Pointeurs n ° 43, Publication n ° 5680, Archives nationales, Bruxelles, 2016, 5,00 (+ frais éventuels de port).

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The Belgian liberal trade union in the 1930s in photography